08 April 2009

Your Layers of Editors May Be Too Timid to Call a Bitch a Bitch, But My Editors Will Let Me Call Your Editors a Bunch of Pussies . . .

"Heidi is an actress who can do it all: Sit. Stay. Roll over. But as her stage mom is learning, it's not easy becoming top dog in Hollywood."

That's the sub-head for this "Column One" feature in today's Los Angeles Times right there above the fold on page one next to an image of Pres. Obama being warmly greeted by troops in Baghdad (and go ahead and try and convince me that the sub-head wouldn't read better with the word "bitch" inserted where "an actress" currently appears).

It's a first person 'interest' story about a woman who is pimping her bitch out to anyone in Hollywood willing to use her.

Have I ever mentioned how detestable I find most of these "Column One" pieces and the fact that they take up above the fold real estate on the front page of the LAT?

If papers like the Los Angeles Times wonder why they are viewed as increasingly trivial and irrelevant, maybe just look at your own damn front pages for a clue as to why consumers are shunning your wares.

Checking my archives, I complained about the general stupidity of "Column One" pieces three years ago (almost to the day), so expect another mention of "Column One" on or about April 7th 2012 (assuming there still is a print edition of the LAT by then, which seems increasingly unlikely with each passing day).

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