19 March 2009

Leave My Childhood Alone, You BASTARDS!!!

First, Star Wars was rogered, then Indy was diddled, but this time they've gone too far, they've molested Schoolhouse Rock!.

(at least Spielberg and Lucas had nothing to do with this, but I smell the grubby fingers of a certain former Vice President all over this one)

(and I ain't talkin' 'bout Dick)

(though, the VP I'm talking about is a major league DICK, just his name isn't Richard)


reader_iam said...

A beauteous thing this post, and on multiple levels.

"How does a bill become a shill?"

I ask you.

vh: sught.


reader_iam said...

You know what? I've been mulling this over; even rethinking it, if you will.

As I said to my DH, in the course of a specific conversation, I'll be totally OK with buying this for any kid, including my own, who first demonstrates the ability to sing the civics songs from the original ... and can demonstrate an age-appropriate ability to discuss what they mean and why those concepts are important. I'm all good with all of that.

(Also with recycling, organic gardening, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc., to which my own mom introduced me going on 40 years ago. Not the point.)

XWL said...

Most of the old ones were oriented towards mere instruction rather than indoctrination.

I can't imagine the new "Earth" flavored ones will be as free from ideology (or be nearly as informative/entertaining).

Funny thing is, I practice a pretty 'green' lifestyle, I just don't think it should be part of youthful indoctrination sessions, or part of a broader economic strategy, or has any large effect on 'saving the planet'.

I do what's prudent, but just cause I have a small 'footprint' doesn't mean I expect everyone to do the same.

Maybe these will be informative and entertaining without a whole bunch of agenda pushing, but I doubt it.