31 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 31 January 2010
It's the end of the first month of LOL Obama here at Immodest Proposals. A stastical analysis of the type of humor employed:
Fart Jokes --- 2 out of 31
Pimp Slap Jokes --- 1 out of 31
Michelle Jokes --- 2 out of 31
Conan O'Brien/Late Night Wars Jokes --- 5 out of 31
Obama Has an Awfully High Opinion of Himself Jokes --- 10 out of 31
Using Obama to Highlight My Own Personal Pet Peeves Regarding Photography --- 1 out of 31
Nancy Pelosi Has Had Too Much Plastic Surgery Jokes --- 1 out of 31
Generalized Nonsense --- 31/31* (obviously, some shots can fall under more than one category)
30 January 2010
Your Daily Photo (Footprints in the Sand Edition)
Seems like the person who left that print walks a bit too heavily on the balls of their feet. Grabbed this from a set taken earlier this month.
Editing pictures taken Friday, the usual sunset+promenade pictures that I seem to take Friday evenings. Had some girls ask me to take their picture, think they were high school age, none of the pictures came out, though, and besides, I was this close to lecturing them on how unwise it is to approach sweaty old dudes with cameras (I've been doing a mile+ walk, and then taking pictures, and it was a touch humid that evening, so if I were them, I certainly wouldn't have approached me the way I must have looked).
On the one hand, why shouldn't people be friendly with each other, on the other, probably best for high school aged women to avoid sweaty older shutterbugs, whenever possible.
Daily Photo,
Dockweiler State Beach,
Nikon D5000
LOL Obama, Daily 30 January 2010
Copy+paste of the description at Flickr:
President Barack Obama meets with former President George H.W. Bush and there's a bit of tension lingering in the air (along with a certain odor) despite the smiles on their faces.
That's right, I went with fart jokes twice this month. Got a problem with that?
Will try to prepare these the day before and do a timed post so that they show up first thing in the day rather than sneaking them in just before the end of the day here.
LOL Obama,
Pres. George H. W. Bush
29 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 29 January 2010
Don't know why I went with the finger pointing rather than some sort of Harry Reid jab. Just like to zag when others expect a zig, I guess.
LOL Obama
Your Daily Photo (Greenery is Really Green Edition)
Might be a bit extra green after I pushed the color curves around a bit in photoshop. That's what I do, can't help myself, love sliding those sliders around when converting shots from RAW to JPG.
28 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 28 January 2010
A policy area that I agree with President Obama, the tilt-shift lens miniature faking gimmick in still photography is becoming as annoying as shakycam in motion pictures.
There are better ways to juice up a composition than to make the subject look like you are shooting a miniature train set.
LOL Obama,
Miniature Faking,
Tilt-Shift Lens
27 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 27 January 2010
It's your State of the Union, thought-reading LOL Obama (Michelle, this time) Edition of LOL Obama, Daily.
Hope there's room in the doghouse for Pres. Obama for both him and Bo.
LOL Obama
26 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 26 January 2010
Pres. Obama could probably do worse than hang out at the W Hotel's Bliss Spa and getting a few hours of pampering.
(and I personally recommend Bliss Vanilla+Bergamot Soapy Suds Body Wash and Bubbling Bath, nothing wrong with a man enjoying a nice soak in a tub full of bubbles)
LOL Obama
Your Daily Photo (Water, Flowing, Again Edition)
Taken yesterday at Greystone Mansion while killing time between lunch and and a film (An Education, which I thoroughly disliked, lunch at South Point Grill in West Hollywood was quite good though).
Daily Photo,
Greystone Mansion,
Nikon D5000
25 January 2010
Your Daily Photo (Roach Coaches are Becoming Popular Edition)

Hundreds of people, and dozens of gourmet lunch trucks in West LA, from Saturday (with some proceeds going to Haitian charities).
Daily Photo,
Nikon D5000
LOL Obama, Daily 25 January 2010
Who'd a thunk that Pres. Obama's own words (reportedly, second-hand) would be worthy of an LOL caption?
Folks, this is getting way too easy, these LOL Obamas are practically writing themselves.
The degree of LOL-worthiness depends on how badly DEMs do in the '10 midterm election. I suspect that statement may end up being extremely LOL-worthy if current trends continue.
(Here's a link to a Politico piece on the original Arkansas Daily Gazette article that reports this tidbit)
(and I totally wanted to do a 'Marion Berry or Obama, which was smoking crack?' joke, but Rep. Marion Berry of Arkansas isn't the same Marion Barry as former DC Mayor, and crackpipe enthusiast, so the joke really wouldn't work, and besides, crack is whack)
LOL Obama
24 January 2010
23 January 2010
22 January 2010
Your Daily Photo (I've Got Your Pretty Sunset Right Here, Buddy Edition)
Sunset was colorful and just the right amount of cloudy this evening. Twelve photos, stitched together using Microsoft ICE. Works pretty well, except where the waves meet the beach.
Daily Photo,
Nikon D5000,
Photo Stitching,
Santa Monica
LOL Obama, Daily 22 January 2010
Another example of the close working relationship between the Legislative and Executive branches of our government.
Unfortunately, it remains unknown as to who won the wager, but I'm guessing it was Summers...
Also, a big thanks goes out to Pete Souza for this treasure trove of new photos he's uploaded to Flickr. I'm pretty much set till 2011 as far as material goes.
LOL Obama
21 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 21 January 2010
Possible questions being posed by Pres. Obama to his magic mirror:
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the best fake populist of all..."
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the 'one'-est of all..."
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the most deliberative of all..."
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the crunkest of all..."
(alright, maybe that last one isn't something that Pres. Obama is likely to ask)
LOL Obama
20 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 20 January 2010
Ever wonder what Pres. Obama would look like with 'anime' eyes?
Wonder no more.
Happy Anniversary, President Obama! Go ahead, and have a happy, don't pay attention to your poll numbers, the election yesterday, your failure to enact much in the way of legislation despite overwhelming democratic majorities in both houses. You got that Nobel going for you, nobody can take that away, at least.
LOL Obama
19 January 2010
18 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 18 January 2010
It's a special Holiday edition of LOL Obama.
(I still don't think MLK's birthday should be a holiday, but I still hold up his Birmingham Jail letter as one of the finest examples of writing in the past half century)
(the old links don't work, but here's a current link to the text of the letter)
LOL Obama,
MLK Day,
Yes the Letter Is That Good
17 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 17 January 2010
Obama can't stand FOX, so with Coco likely headed there, Obama joins "Team Leno" (with disturbing hairdo results).
I'm With Coco,
Jay Leno,
LOL Obama
16 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 16 January 2010
I guess Obama already rinsed out the dye job, but he's still working on Coco's behalf. Personally, I think it's a travesty that the government owns General Motors and is a recipe for on-going disaster of British Leyland proportions, but in this small way, maybe some good will come out of that particular boondoggle.
Also, since Triumph snuck in to the White House already, I think he'd make an excellent replacement for Pres. Secretary Robert Gibbs..., for me to poop on!
I'm With Coco,
LOL Obama
15 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 15 January 2010
Another Situation Room sitdown regarding The Late Night Wars. Divisions within the Executive Branch are beginning to appear.
(original, here)
(I'm With Coco image by Mike Mitchell)
(repurposed without permission)
I'm With Coco,
LOL Obama
14 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 14 January 2010
President Obama takes his support for Coco in the Late Night Wars one step further, by dying his hair in a show of solidarity.
(original I'm With Coco image by Mike Mitchell)
(White House original, here)
(repurposed without permission)
Conan O' Brien,
I'm With Coco,
LOL Obama
13 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 13 January 2010
If the President is with Coco, than so am I!
(I'm With Coco image created by Mike Mitchell)
(original White House photo, here)
(repurposed without permission)
Conan O' Brien,
I'm With Coco,
LOL Obama
Your Daily Photo (Cuidado Edition)
Another Getty Center shot for your perusal. I skipped the tram from the parking garage, and walked up the hill. On the one hand, great exercise, on the other, I was a sweaty mess by the time I made it up the hill (it was sunny, and I was dressed for museum going, not hiking).
Daily Photo,
Getty Center,
Nikon D5000
12 January 2010
11 January 2010
10 January 2010
Your Daily Photo (Everything Looks Kind of Ominous in the Fog Edition)
Today is a day for watching football, still working through my Getty Center shots from Thursday, and if the AZ-GB game turns into a blowout in the 3rd quarter, I may go out for a photowalk.
Daily Photo,
Nikon D5000,
Santa Monica
LOL Obama, Daily 10 January 2010
So many versions of that routine to choose from on YouTube, but this one gets extra Capt. Jack points, so here's Barrowman and Henshall
(original photo, here)
(as usual, repurposed without permission, but used fairly, as far as I interpret copyright)
Irving Berlin,
LOL Obama
09 January 2010
LOL Obama, Daily 09 January 2010
Have I made Sen. Kerry too wordy, or not wordy enough?
(Yet another day without new photos from the White House Flickr stream, don't worry though, there's plenty of material to work with even if they never upload another shot)
(original here)
LOL Obama,
Sen. John Kerry
08 January 2010
How I'd Fix It (NBC Latenight Edition)
Second in an irregular series
NBC latenight is in turmoil, caused by the disappointing results for Leno at 10pm, and Conan's inability to hold the 11:35pm audience he inherited.
Looks like the solution NBC is going for is give Leno 30 minutes, and push back their other shows.
I don't think that's the best solution, here's how I'd fix it and make everyone more or less happy.
M-Th give each latenight host a 45 minute show, Leno at 11:35, Conan at 12:20, Fallon at 1:05. Have one sitdown guest per show, one musical guest, and the usual filler for the rest.
Make Friday nights 'live' comedy night, and give each a 90 minute show to end each week with. Leno gets 8-9:30p, Conan gets 9:30-11p, and Fallon gets 11:35p-1:05a. Have each show book one guest, one stand-up or other comedy act, and one musical act that gets two songs each night. Each week they could rotate which host does a special live show in a different market for their Friday show. It'd give the affiliates something to promote, it would increase the profile of their latenight shows, and even with the travel, it'd still probably be an economical way to program a chunk of airtime that doesn't draw a whole bunch of viewers. I figure each host could do one third of 42 live Friday shows each year in 42 different cities, with each visiting 14 cities as they rotate which host gets sent each week to markets outside of their home bases.
Giving Conan a weekly primetime gig might help assuage hurt feelings for being pushed back to late late night, and same goes for Leno, he'd still have a primetime show one night a week, and for Fallon, he could turn his Friday show into a semi-SNL one night early sort of thing.
NBC screwed up big with how they handled Leno and the Tonight Show, they probably should have just let Leno go, and backed Conan 100%, or they should have torn up Conan's contract and let him leave if they thought they made a mistake by pushing out Leno, by trying to keep and please both, they diluted their brand, lost audience, and pissed off their talent. None of that is fixable, now, the damage has been done, but I think shorter M-Th shows combined with an expanded Friday show might be an innovative way to mitigate some of the damage.
NBC latenight is in turmoil, caused by the disappointing results for Leno at 10pm, and Conan's inability to hold the 11:35pm audience he inherited.
Looks like the solution NBC is going for is give Leno 30 minutes, and push back their other shows.
I don't think that's the best solution, here's how I'd fix it and make everyone more or less happy.
M-Th give each latenight host a 45 minute show, Leno at 11:35, Conan at 12:20, Fallon at 1:05. Have one sitdown guest per show, one musical guest, and the usual filler for the rest.
Make Friday nights 'live' comedy night, and give each a 90 minute show to end each week with. Leno gets 8-9:30p, Conan gets 9:30-11p, and Fallon gets 11:35p-1:05a. Have each show book one guest, one stand-up or other comedy act, and one musical act that gets two songs each night. Each week they could rotate which host does a special live show in a different market for their Friday show. It'd give the affiliates something to promote, it would increase the profile of their latenight shows, and even with the travel, it'd still probably be an economical way to program a chunk of airtime that doesn't draw a whole bunch of viewers. I figure each host could do one third of 42 live Friday shows each year in 42 different cities, with each visiting 14 cities as they rotate which host gets sent each week to markets outside of their home bases.
Giving Conan a weekly primetime gig might help assuage hurt feelings for being pushed back to late late night, and same goes for Leno, he'd still have a primetime show one night a week, and for Fallon, he could turn his Friday show into a semi-SNL one night early sort of thing.
NBC screwed up big with how they handled Leno and the Tonight Show, they probably should have just let Leno go, and backed Conan 100%, or they should have torn up Conan's contract and let him leave if they thought they made a mistake by pushing out Leno, by trying to keep and please both, they diluted their brand, lost audience, and pissed off their talent. None of that is fixable, now, the damage has been done, but I think shorter M-Th shows combined with an expanded Friday show might be an innovative way to mitigate some of the damage.
How I'd Fix It,
NBC Latenight Shows
LOL Obama, Daily 08 January 2010
Had to dig back to The White House's first hundred days photostream for this one. Can it be a coincidence that as soon as I start doing a daily LOL Obama, the White House photostream transforms from a steady flow to a tiny trickle?
(I think not)
(and, yes, I listen to No Agenda, it's entertaining, and mostly insane, but occasionally informative)
(original unimproved, uncaptioned photo, here)
LOL Obama
07 January 2010
Your Daily Photo (I'm Trying to Focus Attention on the Shadows, Not Look Down Her Shirt Edition)
Another shot from yesterday, went to Getty Center, took plenty of snaps, but need to edit, convert, and upload to Flickr before they can be viewed here. There's football to watch, and some latenight working out to do before I get around to today's photos.
It's a strange thing, if I take less than about 40 shots, I'll usually get to those shots right after getting home, but once the number gets into the hundreds, it suddenly becomes a big task so I either upload them without any editing, or I delay.
Have to work on that 'workflow', I guess, or get better at taking shots that don't need fixing.
It's a strange thing, if I take less than about 40 shots, I'll usually get to those shots right after getting home, but once the number gets into the hundreds, it suddenly becomes a big task so I either upload them without any editing, or I delay.
Have to work on that 'workflow', I guess, or get better at taking shots that don't need fixing.
Daily Photo,
Nikon D5000,
Santa Monica
LOL Obama, Daily 07 January 2010
This photo reveals the moment when the Copenhagen talks first started falling apart. It wasn't over emmissions targets or how best to administer a global carbon trading scheme, it was Pres. Sarkozy's insensitive attempt at humor in telling "Yo Mama" jokes about Pres. Obama's dead mother. People have been shot over less provocation.
First fart jokes, now "Yo Mama" jokes and references to "pimp slapping". I'm not attempting high brow trenchant political commentary folks.
(I should get some bonus points for putting some actual "Yo Mama" jokes on Sarkozy's piece of paper, though)
(bonus points should also be awarded to Pres. Obama for knowing the proper back of the hand technique for delivering a pimp slap, surprising considering he grew up in Hawaii, I guess he watched plenty of Blaxploitation pictures as a kid)
(original unaltered photo, here)
(as usual, used without permission, and in my case, at least I'm not trying to sell coats)
LOL Obama
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