30 January 2010

Your Daily Photo (Footprints in the Sand Edition)


Seems like the person who left that print walks a bit too heavily on the balls of their feet. Grabbed this from a set taken earlier this month.

Editing pictures taken Friday, the usual sunset+promenade pictures that I seem to take Friday evenings. Had some girls ask me to take their picture, think they were high school age, none of the pictures came out, though, and besides, I was this close to lecturing them on how unwise it is to approach sweaty old dudes with cameras (I've been doing a mile+ walk, and then taking pictures, and it was a touch humid that evening, so if I were them, I certainly wouldn't have approached me the way I must have looked).

On the one hand, why shouldn't people be friendly with each other, on the other, probably best for high school aged women to avoid sweaty older shutterbugs, whenever possible.

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