06 February 2009

A Day's Worth of Tweets Ripped Out of Context

My tweets from February 4th, 2009 (less the @username and links to give context as to what I'm responding to or linking)

More owls, fewer rodents, the only owls out here are plastic or wooden, get hawks, though, even seen one grab a live rat before

I figure I should get a shot at the Raiders job sometime before 2015, I'm ready and waiting . . .

Life/Art Imitation?

Hire bad students as TAs? Brilliant!

Bill Gates, Misquito wrangler!

There's a dirty joke in there someplace, but I'm not touching it . . .

I believe, "oh snap" is exactly the correct response . . .

Misestimating distances where you don't live is pretty common. Europeans can't believe how spread out LA is when they visit.

Also, there's very little that can be said that can't be construed as risque, if one is inclined to see that side of things

Speaking of things that might sound a bit risque . . .

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