14 March 2006

Casting Call

Chef is leaving South Park.

Isaac Hayes has decided that making fun of Scientology is really out of bounds.

(I could cite a littany of other offendees that he didn't seem worried about, but others have blogged about this, so I'll just link here, and here)

What I'm concerned about is a post-Chef world.

In articles they said they had three people in mind for Chef Isaac Hayes, Lou Rawls and Barry White. (actually they said originally they were going to just pitch down one of their voices, but executive types told them you can't have white people voice black cartoon characters, straight up racist, that is).

They could go Mexican with a new Chef, maybe Cheech Marin would do it. I think it would be pretty hard to get Cheech pissed off at you (they could do a running joke where the new chef only serves frijoles, sort of like the cheebugga sketch from back in the day)

Or they could have the City Wok owner, Tuong Lu Kim, slide over and become the new Chef. He could still sell all his 'City' food at the school cafeteria though.

Samuel L. Jackson seems incapable of turning down a role, maybe he'd be willing to voice Chef's cousin who comes to town to take over the job (he might have trouble with the song parodies, but they haven't been doing as many of those lately anyway, also he's already lent his voice to Boondocks and Afro Samurai).

They could go British, and have the school serve up traditional English cuisine. I'm thinking an 80s icon with a police record would be a good choice, they have at least three to choose from (Adam Ant, George Michael, and Boy George).

That's it for my suggestions, make your own.

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