MrsKutcher tweeted today:
No school today so out treasure hunting with my girls!
If Ashton and Demi (and Bruce, blended family and all, sure he helps choose the schools, too) are sending their younger children to schools that take off Reagan's Birthday, guess they aren't the total liberal tools that they sometimes seem.
(obviously leave Bruce out of the liberal tool part of this post, given that he's one of the few Hollywood conservatives that is 'out' about his conservatism)
And as apropos of it being February 6th, it's a good time to reflect upon the utter crappiness of the late 70s, and the extreme awesomeness of Reagan and how he rescued us from Carterian (or is that Cartesian?) malaise.
(it's especially appropriate given that our current President seems enamored of Carter-like pessimism and social programs)
Also, eat some damn Jelly Belly's.
(and the photo at the top of this page was found at this USA Today article, and the original artwork can be viewed at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in beautiful Simi Valley)
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