Wishing everyone a happy happy and a merry merry. Whatever occasion you want to be happy and/or merry, enjoy it, cherish it, and be a source of happiness and merriment for others. Being the font of good times beats the alternative, though being the recipient of somebody else's good cheer is good, too, and even if you spend this time of year alone, enjoy that solitude, solitude has its pleasures (and if by familial responsibilities you are forced to be in the presence of a bona fide Grinch/Scrooge/Spreader of Ill Tidings, be forgiving, and be above their emotional crap, their misery will likely last all next year, while the misery they cause you will only be temporary).
(and yes, I can still rock the multi-hued tam o shanter when needed)
(and yes, pretty much nobody made it through the early 70s without taking a picture with some questionable clothing or interior decorating choices on view)
(back to blogging, hopefully, just haven't had much to say, but rather than worrying about whether or not my thoughts and notions are interesting, insightful, or engaging, I'll be like everyone else and post away any way, it's up to you to read or not read it, you can't ignore what isn't there, so I hope to give you plenty of material to ignore throughout 2009 which will likely be an interesting year)
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