03 October 2008

Because Somehow Where You Shop and Eat Matter . . .

So, Joe Biden probably lied, or misremembered a few details about places he frequents in Wilmington.

In preparation for my 2016 run, I guess I should start cataloging the places I patronize.

Last 3 'restaurants' I ate at:

NY Pizza & Pasta (mostly excellent pizza (sometimes undercooked), I believe Israeli owned, cause Israelis know pizza)

Ramen-ya (tasty ramen, but noticed after we finished eating that their health board rating has dropped to a "C", so may wait till they get back to an "A" before going back)

McDonalds (I haven't eaten a McDonalds burger in ages, so rather than my usual fast food fix of Jack n the Box, thought I'd give McDonalds a go and order something. Big mistake, was pretty nasty, the fries weren't terrible, though)

The last three shops I patronized (all on the same day):

Costco That's right, big box shopping rules. The membership pays for itself pretty quickly.

Target Practically WalMart, but not quite.

Home Depot I love me some wood (and tools).

Hopefully, the information above will help you in deciding whether or not to vote for me in the 2016 GOP primaries and caucuses.

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