08 September 2008

I'm Still Waiting . . .

In my inbox today . . .

The following items have been shipped to you by Amazon.com:

Amazon.com items (Sold by Amazon.com, LLC):
1 Anathem $19.55 1 $19.55 Shipped via UPS

Sept 10th will be coming soon (but not soon enough), don't bother me, I'll be reading . . .


bill said...

Are you expecting it in the mail today? Maybe I'll swing by the bookstore on the way home today just in case.

XWL said...

I signed up for Amazon Prime's free trial this month, in part to make sure I'd get 2 day shipping at no extra cost for this book.

It will arrive on Wednesday, no sooner, the embargo date is until tomorrow, so any bookseller that gets scanned can't sell early, smaller bookstores that don't report their inventory immediately can (and are known to do so frequently) break the embargo.

I'm sure your favorite bookstore has tons of copies on hand, whether or not they'll let you purchase one, is up to them.

Me, I can wait till Wednesday (and I'd rather send my money to Amazon rather than Borders or B&N, there are almost no more independent booksellers on the Westside of Los Angeles, and the ones that did exist were all a bunch of communists, anyway)

(though some of the communists were better than others, I miss Midnight Special, but don't mourn the loss of any of the others)