28 July 2008

Glass, Half Empty, Half Full, or Half Impossible?

Glass, should it exist? How does it exist?

I take comfort that there are still mysteries to be solved. So I guess that means my slightly impossible glass is half full.


bill said...

It is well known that panes of stained glass in old European churches are thicker at the bottom because glass is a slow-moving liquid that flows downward over centuries.

WTF?! That's bullshit. Dumbass New York Times.

Well known, but wrong.

Oh. Ok. Maybe I should read the whole thing before I blow up again.

bill said...

Very cool article. I've done some basic kiln work (fusing and slumping) and glass is a fascinating subtance. Reminds me I need to put a Klein Bottle on my Christmas list this year.

Funny: “Many people tell me this is very contentious. I disagree violently with them.”