28 May 2008

Thought Controlled Robotic Monkey Arms Can Only Mean One Thing . . .

. . . epic flings of poo. Presumably, the robotic arm could be any size, so why not something that looks like a trebuchet. I'm sure that would please those monkeys greatly if they could fling a hundred pounds of poo 600 yards in one go.

(via Drudge)

UPDATE: In other Trebuchet related news . . .

Pastor Jeff has some complaints about the depiction of trebuchet's in Prince Caspian. Talking lions OK, but perpetual motion machines, come on . . .

Also, I meant to embed a trebuchet related YouTube clip, but they all left something wanting, still, a fiery piano fling isn't a bad thing, so watch the clip above.

And in advances in prosthetics (which is what the monkey story is really about), Dean Kamen continues to rock (despite the extreme dorkiness of the Segway, dude's still a genius).

1 comment:

P_J said...

I know it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but "Monkey Poo Trebuchet" is just another example of why you rock.