15 May 2007


As Wayne and Garth might say.

Sen. Thompson knew my man crush had flagged some, so he unleashes this video response to Michael Moore's silly challenge, and I'm again ready for him to jump into the fray.

(warning, according to proposed new MPAA guidelines, the above video should probably be rated "R")

Bob Krumm says it all in his take on it (via Instapundit).

Someone should work on the aspect ratio, though, given his features, elongating the image isn't a good idea.

Clearly, Sen. Thompson is an "it getter" with regards to how to communicate today. Despite his lackluster performance in Orange County a few weeks ago, there's a lot of time, and a lot of money available, for him to put together a serious challenge for the primaries.

After that, who knows?

The Democratic Party seems determined to push defeat, decline, and surrender as their watchwords and mantras for what they see going on in the United States today. American voters in the aggregate have never rewarded that kind of pessimism. Pessimistic messages have failed whether from the left or the right, so if the Democratic primary voters force their candidate to be the candidate of doom and gloom, woe be to them in November 2008.

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