Don Adams, born 1923
Barbara Feldon, born 1932

Steve Carrell, born 1962
Anne Hathaway, born 1982
Progress? Are we really clamoring for another bad remake of an old TV show? Even one as good as Get Smart was from time to time?
And look at Jessica Biel's career (also born in 1982), in her next two films she has Nic Cage (+18 years), and Adam Sandler (+16 years) as love interests. Seriously? Isn't this trend getting a bit worn out by now? I thought cougars were all the rage now?
What's next, Mackenzie Rosman in a Romantic Comedy/Action Thriller along the lines of Romancing the Stone opposite Ewan MacGregor?
(OK, that might be an awesome film, actually, especially if QT helmed it, does she have cute feet?)
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