That's right, jury duty.
No court case, just most of a day waiting to be told, "we don't need you".
That's fine with me.
Cameras aren't allowed in the court building, and there was a sign stating that taking any kind of picture, even with a camera phone is against the law.
But I have some photos from yesterday that have gone un-commented upon.
Not all the photos I took while dog walking were inspired by a urinating canine. Here's a few of them (the whole set is here)

It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween, every where you go . . .

Spooky house?

Spooky tree roots?

Spooky tree?

Spooky cemetery?

Spooky dog shadow?

Spooky inability by those in charge of placing messages on a middle school's info board to correctly abbreviate school?

Spookily non-spooky cluster of palm trees?

Finally, either SMC doesn't like doggies, or they discriminate against ugly people. You make the call!
1 comment:
I don't think it's possible for stucco houses to be spooky.
Christmas is also a challenge.
I'll check back on Cinco de Mayo. Or maybe Garibaldi's birthday. You know: Stucco holidays.
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