AP doesn't take this recently released photo of Fidel Castro as being above suspicion.
Fidel's still dead or comatose as far as I'm concerned.
Jimmy Kimmel would seem to agree.
If he really was ambulatory, alert and on his way to recovery, they would have provided video and not just a few photographs.
Would the AP have expressed skepticism had it not been for recent events?
Also, Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has a post about the above Castro photo and states that if it was a photoshop job, it was a well done one with no obvious 'tells' as to being faked. He adds the photo below though, clearly faked, but funny.

To paraphrase a little scripture: He's been in the tomb for 3 days, Lord. Surely, there'll be a stench.
I will be one of those celebrating his timely demise, as uncharitable as that sounds.
Agreed, for once I don't think it would be considered unchristian or uncharitable to celebrate the death of this particular 'viejo bastardo'.
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