Thaddeus Tremayne posting at Samizdata points out (and illustrates with the above picture of Ouroboros, borrowed from the Wiki page, no doubt) an example of that snakey ideology known as 'political correctness' eating its own tail.
There's not much more to say once you follow the link.
Meanwhile, over at Tammy Bruce's site, she points out another example of the bureaucratic impulse and nanny statism attacking old cartoons as its target.
They can sanitize their culture all they want, but humans are still who they are, in their fallen, imperfect glory.
To truly celebrate diversity allow for expressions of opinion and art that others might find objectionable, don't police (in the case of the UK, literally and figuratively) peoples thoughts and their expressions of those thoughts.
You can't have dialogue if people are only allowed to speak from a state regulated point of view.
Their greater safety net is a direct cause of their absurd nanny statism. One doesn't exist without the other. If you doubt this, then you haven't been paying much attention.
Keep it over there, I'll take our relative insecurity and relative freedom over their kind of 'safety' any day.
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