27 July 2006

If I Were Alistair Bell, I'd Be Pissed

Reuters latest article about the Mexican election reads once again like a love letter to AMLO, a sample

Financial markets, which are rooting for Calderon to be president, are keeping a close watch on tensions in Mexico, which slid into political crisis when Lopez Obrador contested the ruling party candidate's 0.58 percentage point win.

Lopez Obrador says vote counts were manipulated at some 72,000 of the country's roughly 130,000 polling stations. He told Univision that tally sheets included some 1.5 million votes that were not backed up by voting slips.

He said President Vicente Fox and Calderon were behind the fraud, as well as "bandits" within the IFE electoral institute that ran the election.

"President Fox has been saying openly for two or three years to anyone who will listen that there is no way I am going to be president. He had a hand in everything," he said.

Lopez Obrador is a former Indian rights activist who blocked oil wells in his home state of Tabasco to protest pollution and who led a 560-mile (900-km) march to Mexico City after losing what he said was a rigged state election in 1994.

Let's see what we have here, the usual 'reporting' mostly from AMLO's perspective, and once again polishing AMLO's biography to show how he 'spoke truth to power' and fought those nefarious evil oil producers and had a previous election 'stolen' from him.

I smell the loving words of Alistair Bell (previous AMLO admiration, here and here) in this current article, yet it's without byline.

I don't know by what alchemical process Reuters determines which articles have bylines and which don't, this particular article has all the same quirks that others under Mr. Bell's byline did, so I suspect that he was primarily responsible for it.

Mr. Bell, raise a stink, get the credit you deserve!

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