19 July 2006

If Conservatives Are A Bunch of Anal Retentives, What Does That Make Liberals?

At Classical Values, Eric Scheie uses a recent review of a John Dean book as a jumping off point for expressing his disdain for the left/intellectual/academic habit of trying to pathologize conservatives.

Conservatism is a mental illness, shared only by mentally defective anti-social beasts, any other conclusion is counter to the facts, at least that's what the exhaustive and rigorous research of good folks at UC Berkeley found, so it must be true!

So Sen. Barry Goldwater's conservatism was 'diagnosed' as clearly being the result of 'rigid toilet training' back in the day, I can't help but think that much of the left suffers from the precise opposite problem.

If you look at and listen to the likes of Howard Dean, Michael Moore, Cynthia McKinney, or the newly expressive Al Gore (he's impressively made the transition from one extreme to the other, it takes an exceptionally disordered personality to accomplish that feat) how can you draw any conclusion other than maybe they weren't toilet trained rigidly enough?

They all seem to be 'anally-expressive'. Constantly flinging their poo, drawing on the walls with their feces, and expecting folks to admire their handiwork.

I'll take the repressed antics of an anally-retentive type over the reeking antics of the anally-expressive, any day of the week.

(though in a perfect world folks who are at either extreme would be kept away from the halls of power)

(and Sen. Goldwater's only defect was that he was ahead of his time)

[hat tip Instapundit]

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