12 March 2006

You Ain't Wrong (Week Ending 12 March 2006)

Another week of Aintwrongness, read it, contemplate, enjoy.

First up, Eugene Volokh, You Ain't Wrong, to disagree in the strongest possible terms with the policies of 'appeasement' and 'surrender' the EU commission has recommended when faced with Islamist extremism. Self-muzzling in the face of crazies is unacceptable. There's no other words to describe what some of the EU autocrats are suggesting.

The fugtastic girls of Go Fug Yourself, Y'all Ain't Wrong, for all of your fantastic Oscar and post-Oscar party coverage. Vicious or funny doesn't begin to describe their posts. The bests, this evisceration of Paris Hilton, and this dialogue between Sharon Stone and Lindsay Lohan.

Michelle Malkin, You Ain't Wrong, for giving credit where credit is due. Sure 60 Minutes is a dinosaur, sure they sometimes slant stories mercilessly, but sometimes they get it right, or at least get it fair. Way to give them recognition when they do.

Hugh Hewitt, You Ain't Wrong, for letting Mary Katharine Ham fill in for your while you are on vacation. She's done a fantastic job in your absence. Maybe too good. That takes a mighty secure person to let a talented writer and finder of provocative links to fill in for you. You are a better man than me. Posts I think she shines on are this one, and this, and this too.

Prof. Stephen Bainbridge, You Ain't Wrong, for hating on Sarbannes Oxley. Of course pointing out that it seems the LATimes is coming around to seeing things your way is doubly aintwrong.

Prof. Althouse, You Ain't Wrong, for American Idol blogging. That's all. Just thought I'd encourage you. She seems to be enjoying ripping into the bad performances more than appreciating the good performances, and that's exactly how the earlier rounds of this show should be consumed. (First link was for the ladies, here's the guys, and the elimination post from this week)

Richard Lawrence Cohen, You Ain't Wrong, for turning some of your blog posts into a 'blook'. Great idea, I wish you success, as it might be an avenue others could explore in the future if pioneers like yourself do well (and by others of course I mean my immodest self)

Virginia Postrel, You Ain't Wrong, for what you did for your friend, and for keeping us up to date with your and her progress. I didn't realize which carbonated beverage you favored effects the likelihood of tissue matching, that's good to know for the future, thanks for that information.

One last aintwrong (via Roger Simon) Chabad of Mt. Olympus, Y'all Ain't Wrong, for turning your Purim festival into a celebration of all things Japanese. (?!? - and check out this pdf of the flyer for the fest)

and I lied, after watching the Sopranos tonight, David Chase, You Ain't Wrong, for writing some solid stuff and starting this sixth season on a very interesting note, and the only other thing I can say is, daaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!

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