13 March 2006

Hammer, Nail, Head

Guest blogging at Hugh Hewitt's site, Mary Katharine Ham once again breaks out her rhetorical hammer, finds the nail of liberal hypocrisy, and flattens it into the board of reason. (Did I milk that metaphor enough?)

She 's attending the SXSW fest in Austin, TX (or as I should say, Big Liberal Austin, TX).

She observes the seeming shame many of the successful lefty entrepeneurs proclaim as they sheepishly speak upon the evil subject of making money.

She rightly calls them the fools that they are (though not in those terms, follow the link to see her more diplomatic verbiage).

All I can add is, quit being a bunch of wusses and embrace your inner Gordon Gekko you bunch of whiny hypocrites!

The shame of being a rich lefty knows no bounds, you almost feel sorry for the likes of George Soros and George Clooney.

1 comment:

Pooh said...

Alternatively, she picks up a rake and assembles the available straw into something of a humanoid shape...