11 March 2006

News from Japan

Here's a short compendium of stories that struck me recently from Mainichi Daily News, there's no rhyme or reason here, just thoughts and links.

First up, I meant to comment on this some time ago but haven't. Watching basketball all day today made me think of this article again. So you are in Japan, you have a basketball league, and the Japanese Soccer league known as J-League is hugely popular. And speaking of Soccer in Asia, take a gander at some of the names of the teams competing in the Asian Champions League tournament going on now, Tobacco Monopoly of Thailand!? (can't imagine those players doing so well considering they're probably having to stop and catch their breath all the time, according to the article they were DQ'd due to a paperwork snafu) Tokyo Verdy!? (Opera fans?)

So what to call your basketball league?

The bj-league of course! (hey you, in the back, stop that sniggering)

On top of that the article is about the worst bj-ers in Japan, The Saitama Broncos. The article is about their manga style cartoon character player card giveaways to drum up fan interest. One of the featured players is David Benoit. He was a role player for the Utah Jazz in the 90s, and seems like a pleasant guy, plus he seems to be real popular in Japan.

At the Saitama Broncos website there's a fan page for David Benoit.

Looks like he's injured, but he's still smiling, I wonder why?

Ah, that must be why, looks like he's popular with the ladies, nice (Do they still pronounce his last name Ben Wa? If so that might explain it, I seem to remember Chick pronouncing his name that way)

Here's a fan letter, written in English, read it for yourself, it's just about perfect (especially all the hearts on the stationery)

Second story is the latest 'Gutsy Radish'. I'm a sucker for gutsy radish stories, don't ask me why, I can't explain it. I'm simply fascinated that this is news in Japan.

Lastly, some sables in Hokkaido are overcoming their natural aversion to people and eating dinner with folks at a hotel in Tsubetsu. I don't know which are being dumber, the people, or the sables, but the picture of that overgrown weasel is somewhere between cute and menacing, must be the freaky eyes.

And remember folks (to quote the above fan letter)

I look forward to your activity.
But I ask to never overd it!

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