It's the end of another week. The world keeps spinning.
People (I use the term loosely) continue to do wrong, but they are countered and opposed by those who commit the Ain't Wrong. For perusal and rumination, here are this week's Ain't Wrongs:

Dr. Helen,
You Ain't Wrong, after listening to the interview at Powerline with Prof. Jeremy Zilber (my past thoughts
here) she mounts a strongly worded broadside against this author, his children's book, and the idiotology it represents (to call it ideology would be to credit it with having an idea).

The students of Harvard,
Y'all Ain't Wrong, for wanting reform, accountable instructors, and a university President who shares those goals. Too bad, the instructors are louder, better organized and more petulant (petulance defeats reason in these sort of fights, usually).

The Sex Pistols,
You Ain't Wrong, for telling those gits and geezers at the so called 'Rock Hall of Fame' where they can shove their fancy shmancy pay your own way dinner honoring this year's inductees (but despite their short recording career, any Rock Hall worth its name must recognize their contributions).

Karl Rove,
You Ain't Wrong, about Sen. Hillary Clinton and her chances for success in the '08 Presidential Election (But to say so now may bring Democrats to their senses. It's a dangerous game to play. He's no doubt counting on Democrats' irrational reaction to his statements to ensure that Hillary will be annointed their standard bearer for '08, rather than to prevent it, and I use the distorted picture of Karl Rove cause that's how many Democrats picture him).

Reader I Am,
You Ain't Wrong, for pointing to this article about song choice and how it reflects on personality. Nothing says who you are better (and is a part of the modern mating ritual) than the mixCD (and it's forefather the mixtape).

You Ain't Wrong, it is a pain to be confronted with a question that use of Google and Wiki doesn't answer. Throwing objects is a perfectly reasonable response when this comes to pass.

La Shawn Barber,
You Ain't Wrong, to be concerned about problem of illegal immigration into the United States. Legal immigration is our greatest strength and why we continue to grow and prosper while Japan and Europe stagnate, but
illegal immigration is a dangerous drain on resources and a real security threat.

The athletes of the German Winter Olympics Team,
Y'all Ain't Wrong, for overcoming those truly unfortunate outfits and still winning the most medals. An impressive accomplishment. (when I see those costumes, all that comes to mind is, mmmmm sherbert)

Pastor Jeff,
You Ain't Wrong, to point to
Mark Daniels' comments regarding the reaction by Alabama Christians in the wake of the arsons of several churches in the state and adding some good commentary of your own.
XWL: When I first saw that Rove picture, I instantly and inexplicably thought of Cher on a motorcyle. What the--???
Then, thank goodness, "explicability" broke through: I was thinking of the movie Mask!
Whew! But Karl sure ain't no Rusty.
Thanks for the link ...
vh: bisway
Awww, you figure it out!
The Rove picture reminds me of this guy, in particular this bit.
VW: mkpxjhw
Somebody call Supes!
Reader, better than picturing Cher in that 'Turn Back Time' video (the one aboard the U.S.S. Missouri).
And Icepick, mmmmkay.
I know, drugs are bad because if you do drugs, you're a hippie.
Thanks for the link! I really appreciate it.
(That Rove pic is bizarre!)
Mark Daniels
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