22 February 2006

Wrong, Wronger, Wrongest

The Wrong, the fact that this movie even exists.

The Wronger, having Kristin Davis play Tim Allen's wife in the film (was going to say she's way too young, but she's 41 tomorrow (happy birthday Kristin!), and he's only 52 (figured he was about 4 years older, and she 4 years younger), just seems like there's a bigger age difference, but still my Charlotte shouldn't be in this crap (and yes, I'm a straight guy who enjoyed watching Sex and the City since the beginning, wanna make something of it?))

The Wrongest, Using George Clinton's Atomic Dog in the newest set of commercials.

(possibly not wrong, at the El Capitan in Hollywood the dog from the film, Shaggy (naturally), will be performing tricks live during the pre-show entertainment)

And the tag line is pretty wrong, too: RAISE THE WOOF.

(Is this anyway to honor the Year of the Dog?)


Pooh said...

I think all of your 'wrongness' claims are suspect based on your avowed enjoyment of "Sex and the City"

reader_iam said...

Awww, I think it's sweet.

Pooh said...

RIA, you're allowed to like the show. But just barely...