05 January 2006

The Nobody Saw Those Movies Awards

The SAG Awards, and the DGA Awards nominations were announced this morning.

Both favored smaller films that haven't met with widespread commercial success.

If I were voting Stephen Chow and Kung Fu Hustle would sweep these awards, by far the best written, directed and acted film released in the U.S. in 2005.

The DGA Awards might be renamed the big fat self-important lefty film award this year. How Syriana or The Constant Gardener didn't supplant Capote I'll never know. But for that slip up it would have been 100% on the self-important lefty films of the year receiving DGA nominations.

And who does the Academy announce this week to host their award show. John Stewart. Enough said. (almost enough said, I predict, BDS, the Award Show). (and the ratings will continue to tank)

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