Tis Christmas Eve for a handful more minutes here.
The streets are blanketed in a sea scented fog. You can ONLY dream of a White Christmas here, the occaisonal Gray Christmas will have to suffice.
(more than a hint of fish, salt, and decay in the gusts of fog rolling of the roiling Pacific)
The immodest doggie (aka 'Mofo' my father named him) enjoyed a rare night time perambulation.
(and marked many a tree, his bladder is a prodigious instrument for sending messages)
To honor the season I'll discuss the phenomenon of Blackface Jesus.
They are all over this character at Gawker. If you google the term 'blackface jesus' you get an impressive number of hits mostly about this particular NYC scenester.
Seems some people who don't need to paint there faces 'black' to appear like a black jesus aren't too pleased with this fellow.
(and there is some speculation about his expected survivability in the more black dominated environs of gotham flag drapped, loinclothed and blackfaced (needless to say, most estimates are high on the mortality side, low on the survivability)
This craigslist interview sounds legit, and would be just about how'd you imagine someone who traipses around in that get up would probably live.
He is a frequent icon over at Gawker's regular feature Blue States Lose (the elf (#1 on Dec 23rd's list) pictured above, appropriated from cobrasnake.com)
All I have to add is that Football playing Jesus (once featured on Conan's show) would KICK HIS ASS!!!!!
(and yes, the football playing santa link is from the same John Scalzi who wrote this book that Instapundit (among others) have been pimping as being very good, can't say for myself, now that it's available in trade paperback, I'll probably pay a visit to a local bookstore and drop some money on it)
(and if that elf isn't a perfect photo for an anti-drug or anti-vegan campaign, I don't know what is)
Merry Christmas, eat lots of flesh from charred animals, and enjoy the peace and prosperity that so many have defended (and continue to CHOOSE to defend now) since the colonies defied a despotic King.
(and given the global nature of the web, to all you foreigners, enjoy the peace, prosperity and ever increasing connectedness, trade, and knowledge that has been bought for with American blood and treasure these past couple of centuries)
(sentiments that blackface jesus probably would never apprehend or appreciate)
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