01 December 2005

Making the Big Time.

I've been blog rolled by Playful Primate, Prof. Ann Althouse.

Yipee!, Woohoo!, Huzzah!, Yeah Me!

Now maybe I'll evolve beyond multicellular microorganism.

(and notice the sly way I named my blog so as to be right next to the Blogfather in some alphabetical listings of blogs)

(Thank you, Prof., in my best Dana Carvey as Garth voice, I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy)


Pooh said...

Green with jealousy and envy...well done sir...

XWL said...

Pooh: thanks for the words, better to be green from envy than food poisoning.

Now maybe I'll get some commenters over here too.

(even quxxo would be welcome, if only so I could delete his wildly off topic posts from time to time)

Pooh said...

the days to come when Reader, Buck, Icepick and myself agree wistfully that "we knew him back when..."