28 November 2005

Which story is reality based? (part 2)

This may have to become an ongoing series.

Again, same facts different conclusions.

Who's right? The pessimistic AP, or the optimistic Bloomberg.

(all praise due to Drudge for putting these links next to each other up top)

(Drudge pointed out the glass is half-empty story, and the glass is half-full story, guess I'll have to find the George Carlin option on my own (the glass is too damn big))


reader_iam said...
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reader_iam said...

Ah, Carlin. OT, but I'm thinking of one of his classic riffs on language, the one that included, for example, something like (all quotes here are mere approximations drawn from long-ago memory):

"Get on the plane! Get on the plane! F*** Y**, I'm getting in the plane. Let Evel Knievel [sp?] get on the plane."

And something like:

"You know when two planes almost run into each other? Well, they call that a near-miss. ... Guess what, folks, it's a really near-hit."

Genius. And the glass really is too damn big.