I don't have any sympathy for bribe takers regardless of party affiliation. You'll excuse my lack of sympathy for this blubbering mass of humanity pictured here.
I can't mention this jerk without also illustrating AP's usual reporting excellence and fairness by quoting the end of the article,
" Cunningham's pleas came amid a series of GOP scandals. Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas had to step down as majority leader after he was indicted in a campaign finance case; a stock sale by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is being looked at by regulators; and Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff was indicted in the CIA leak case."
(Events like these make my Modest Proposal almost sound reasonable )
I guess I don't see the problem with the quoted paragraph. It's both true, and noteworthy.
Or is it a stretch to shoe-horn Scooter in there? I can see that...
Or did my sarcasm meter deliver a false positve?
In my mind it's a clear case of bias, like never writing a piece about Iraq without some bit of negative news. I defy anyone to find a wholly positive piece about the coalition troops in Iraq with an AP byline.
None of the other mentioned Republicans have admitted guilt. Sen. Frist isn't even under indictment. Rep. DeLay vehemently denies the charges and most people looking at the actual indictment conclude that they are going to be hard to prove, even if true, and don't necessarily constitute the crimes they are charged as in the first place. As for adding the Chief of Staff to the Vice-President to the list, name one other Chief of Staff to the Vice-President since the position has existed.
A wire service should report facts, not spin them.
Leave the spinning to bloggers. (that's sarcasm, the rest was sincere)
I see your point, by it seems noteworthy to me. There *are* other related (as in ethical/bribery type) scandals going on. It seems the AP is in a no win spot here. If they don't mention it, people will say "how does this realte to...?"
[dss]Alternatively, you know that the AP hates god, so take anything they say with a grain of salt...[/double secret sarcasm]
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