15 October 2009

Your Non-Daily Video (Dockweiler Beach Edition)

I forget my camera also does video. Because of the rolling shutter problem, shots where the camera stays mostly stationary are best. Also, since you have to focus manually, that places another limit on the kinds of scenes you can capture, on top of that there's a five minute limit to recording, so it's a limited tool (also, I don't have proper editing software for video, and now that record companies have gotten much better at finding their material used in clips, means you have to go with boring rights free music, the live sound at the scene, audio free, or come up with my own tunes a la James Lileks).

Still, guess I can post the occasional video, but the things I do well with this camera when taking stills do not serve in shooting video, and the subjects I like don't lend themselves to video, either.

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