This photo has nothing to do with people sucking, having some jerk jump your fence, sneak into your garage, and take your TREK, has everything to do with people sucking.
It's one of those crimes that don't hit the statistics cause it's kind of pointless to report it as the chance of recovery is virtually nil.
I hope whoever stole it ODs on the crack he buys with the money he gets for selling my bike for cents on the dollar.
The photo is from my Vegas trip over Memorial Day Weekend, an abandoned structure spotted off of SR 127. According to the linked wiki, SR 127 is the Lost Highway from David Lynch's Lost Highway.
This picture shows the structure in the distance, I had my camera taking pictures every 6 seconds. The plan was to turn them into a movie, but the thing about Death Valley is that the views don't really change a whole lot mile after mile after mile after mile, so even as a 10 minute movie made from still shots that covers hundreds of miles, it's just not that interesting.
Below is a view of the same structure from SPACE!
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What is that first picture a picture of?
Sorry about your bike, man. Mine got stolen when I was five and I've hated them ever since.
The object in the first picture is the same as the dark spot in the 2nd picture, and the dark speck on the satellite view from google maps.
I snapped a few dozen pictures, just haven't uploaded them to flickr yet (and might not ever bother). I assume it's part of some sort of long ago abandoned mining operation, though there are no other signs of mining that were detectable to my untrained eye. Caught my eye as I drove toward it, I have a thing for abandoned structures, so I stopped to take some snaps.
As far as the other thing, thanks for the sympathy, bikes are one of the more fungible items that can be found in most homes, yards, and garages, and can be stolen fairly easily (with the added bonus of providing an immediate means of escape).
I had the bike nearly ten years, and hadn't ridden much lately, but it's not the property loss that rankles, it's the violation of home, and the needless potential for violent confrontation that's frightening.
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