07 May 2009

Your Daily Photo (You'd Think in Obama's America, Google Building J Would Take Better Care of Old Glory Edition)

In the big scheme of things it's a minor quibble whether or not a company that claimed to have $33,513,029,000 in assets might have the cash lying around to make sure that any United States flags they choose to fly above any of their locations (in this case, Building J at 6th and Arizona in Santa Monica) meets accepted standards for displaying the symbol for our nation.

From the United States Flag Code
§176. Respect for flag
(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

I think this picture speaks for itself. Given Google's seeming distaste for acknowledging certain United States holidays, this might be part of a pattern of behavior.

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