Poor Julie Chang. I'm sure she had some dignity once, but being the cutesy news gal on a morning show will suck the dignity right from your marrow. Doesn't help that her weekly segment is called Truly Julie (and video corresponding to that Santa outfit shot is part of this week's Truly Julie feature).
Our local CW affiliate has a morning show, they also have an attractive Korean-American woman on the program. But ours is more serious, she's the 'enterprise' reporter and Janet Choi is so serious that her photo is black and white and she doesn't even bother mentioning that she was on Real World Seattle (she was one of those boringly well adjusted house guests) way back in the day.
Does every CW morning show have what Family Guy calls an "Asian Reporter".
Also while perusing the history of Real World, there's never been an Asian male on the now nearly 20 year history of the show. And when I say Asian, I mean no East Asian, no Southeast Asian, no South Asian, no Southwest Asian (come on, not a single non-Black Muslim since 9/11, what's up with that?). Are Bunim/Murray telling me that there are no loudmouth borderline alcoholic fratboy Asian males (or at the very least an ultra-femme gay Asian party boy) willing to have their lives filmed for a tiny bit of psuedo-celebrity? Seems somewhat unlikely that this is the case. Also a bit surprised that they haven't had on a Pakistani or Indian Real Worlder in all these shows since 9/11 so that they could 'explore' the problems of stereotyping and prejudice against that community. Maybe when they come back to the Los Angeles area they'll rectify the situation.
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