Pictured above, Finland's President Tarja Halonen (not Conan O'Brien, though any confusion may be understandable).
Why is it that Finland is Rootin' Tootin' too? On this survey (small pdf at link, here's the link to the surveyor's website)that's been making the rounds (greeted with predicatbly tut-tuttiness in certain circles), with regards to firearms, they come in third on a per capita basis.
I think any country in the top ten should be considered part of the Rootin' Tootin' club, though they do all pale both in sheer number, and in per capita terms with the Rootin' Tootin'-est people on the planet, the good folks of the U S of A!!!
May we long be the Rootin' Tootin'-est.
Finland's President Tarja Halonen (not Conan O'Brien, though any confusion may be understandable).
To me, it looks like Robin Williams playing ZJanet Reno.
Bill nailed it. It's Mrs. DOJ-Fire (gotta work on that one).
Clearly she's the secret love-child of Conan O'Brien and Janet Reno. She should lose the Ben Franklin specs, though and get something more like Sally Jessie Raphael's specs.
/ bizarre fashion statement
Seems I should comment on President Tarja Halonen more often, she seems to be a HOT topic of discussion.
Hot for Tarja would be a great name for a blog, or a band.
That blogs for ya. People comment on the most unexpected posts.
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