15 August 2006

Kudlow & Moxie & Football

Larry Kudlow's been posting his thoughts, and when you're right you're right.

His last three posts take the words right out of my mouth and polish them, granted them a patina of legitimacy, and made my fumbling through my own thoughts along parallel lines unneeded. Those posts are in praise of the Supply-Side Revolution (folks still insist it doesn't worked, yet it's worked every time it's been tried), in praise of the American Consumer, and finally, in praise of British Intelligence and demanding we grow a set and demand from our government the same kind of tools that led to cracking the recently cracked terrorist cell.

He's not shy, his program without the crazed loudmouth has improved (if you're into that sort of thing) and it's about time I linked him in my sidebar.

Moxie's an LA based blogger, unabashedly right wing, and unabashedly sexy. She wasn't blogging on a regular basis for awhile, or else I would have linked her a long time ago, an example of her good works can be found in these musings on Mel Gibson.

Finally, Little Green Footballs needs no introduction, it's one of the most highly trafficked right of center blogs around. Charles Johnson has been all over the place lately after his catch on the Reuters mess. I don't delve into the comment section much, it gets a bit 'over-heated'. Mr. Johnson himself is vehement in his opposition to radical, nihilistic, fascist Islam, but he never crosses the line into painting all Muslims with too broad a brush (in the comments, on the other hand . . .). He saves his strongest venom for those that apologize for terrorism, like the idiots of CAIR.

So, three more additions to the links on the sidebar, Kudlow, Moxie, and LGF, visit them, or don't, it's up to you.

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