He also links to an article on the same subject he wrote for Military.com.
The discussion board doesn't get heated exactly, but one poster AGBrina, defends the critics, while nearly every other poster sings the praises of the F-22.
Now to the title of this post, after some back and forth, without any rancor or flaming by the way, AGBrina posts the following.
Good point! Your reply, along with most of what others have said here, ends my argument.
Didn't see that one coming. There's no such thing as admitting that the other guys might be right in a discussion board. The proper netiquette when posting is to defend your position beyond all reason, and when logic fails, resort to ad hominem attacks and non sequitur rejoinders regarding the other posters' preference in hygiene frequency and sexual partners.
Also, I fear that the F-22 may one day be known as the Mahdaviat Martyr Maker for all the Iranians that will get an express trip to the afterlife if their current government keeps pushing the boundaries like they do.
Hopefully sanity will prevail and the F-22 won't be put to the purpose it is so well designed to accomplish.

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