01 August 2006

Fidel Could Never Suffer As Much As His People Have, Or As Much As He's Earned

The Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, is sick. Time to party in Miami. Raul is weak, the military may not back him as whole-heartedly as they backed Fidel. While Fidel lingers like the nasty old fart that he is, the battle lines of the struggle for power will be drawn.

The cult of personality he built up around himself will most likely be non-transferable.

The question remains, will some strongman general emerge and maintain the ongoing criminal activity that masquerades as a government, or will the Cuban people seize the opportunity to rid themselves of their anachronistic Marxist misrule?

If the assholes step out of the way, the boomtown that Havana, along with the rest of Cuba, will become over the next five to ten years will be dizzying.

Problem is assholes rarely just step out of the way (especially the communist kind).

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