04 August 2006

Assorted Friday Stuff

Nothing specific to blog about today, just posting to keep up my daily posting (I had pledged to not miss a day from solstice to solstice, the next solstice is still a long way off).

The always interesting Blue States Lose over at Gawker is especially messed up this week. Message to hipsters, club bathroom floors are not an appropriate place for 'sexy' photo shoots. Also, not an appropriate prop, your own vomit (follow the link if you dare).

Mickey Kaus pointed out (slate still doesn't believe in direct links on most of his posts) this fine tribute to the great Arthur Lee at LAist, his music lives on, his body doesn't. Buy Forever Changes, if you don't own a copy of this album (or two), you really suck. I'd rant about how crappy and off-base the NYT obit is, but eh, whatever, that's what you'd expect, Lee led the greatest L.A. band of all time, but they were never well appreciated in the rest of the USA (although they were gods in Europe).

No amount of money you would be willing to pay me would get me to see this movie. I don't hate Will Ferrell generally, but this just looks lame. The reviews have been generally good, but suspiciously full of wise words about how great of a job this film does at skewering NASCAR lovin' rednecks. Now if the Blue Collar Comedy Tour types did a parody film set in the NYC hipster club scene, that might just be real comedy gold.

Now that the heat has died down some (at least here in SoCal), I think it'd be a good weekend to throw a party containing some adult beverages (a simple G & T, kind of weekend, I think)

Enjoy your weekend, and should you drink, don't drive, or spew anti-semetic (or anti-anything, for that matter) rhetoric, it might be bad for your career.

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