OK that's out of the way, next, hopefully some folks realize that the title of this particular post by me is also meant to be slightly sarcastic (you don't say!) .
I'm going to excerpt a portion of the post cause he makes some good points
If nothing else, it was a welcome change from the ALL-CAPS hate mail from crotchety AOL users that has been flooding in ever since yesterday’s sterling investigative journalism by News Corp and the AP. (For the rest of the story behind the AP’s bizarre misreporting, see this Huffington Post piece of a few hours ago. I’m sorry if you have ideological grounds for not wanting to follow a link to HuffPo, but that’s what you get when it was the Post and Fox News that first bobbled the story. If The New York Times had been the @#$%-ups, I’m sure I’d be sending you to Michelle Malkin right now.)
But when you get past my hours of email-deleting last night, not all the news is bad. Ken-Jennings.com had 573,000 pageviews yesterday, up just slightly from last Tuesday’s, um, 1,800. I assume many of those people actually read the original blog article and called off the hounds. Four thousand new signups for the trivia mailing list. Some Brainiac pre-orders, looks like. An outpouring of on-line support and snickering from bloggers, who love it when those dead-tree fogies in the “MSM” screw something up. So, in the end, we probably gained quite a few new readers.
This tells me a few things about Ken, first, he probably reads both HuffPo and Michelle Malkin regularly, good for him. Second, I bet he was the most liberal guy within a mile radius when he lived in Utah, and now that he's moved to the 'effete left coast' enclave around Seattle, he's probably the most conservative fella within a half-mile radius (yes, I think there are more conservatives hidden amongst the liberals, than vice versa, my own experiences in bluest of blue Santa Monica, compared to much redder Moreno Valley and Riverside support this notion).
Anyway, it's clear that he's maintaining good humor throughout this incident, despite the trouble it's caused, and hopefully when he mentions the, "support and snickering from bloggers", he's thinking of me, since I did plenty of both.And if all this sells more books, then so much the better (evidence of this effect can be found at Amazon where he's book has gone from #87,939 yesterday to #9,632 today, not bad for a book that won't be out for another 7 weeks (more Amazonian link whoring by me below))
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