15 July 2006

The Coalition of the Getting Some

Just perusing around the internet, and visited Irshad Manji's site. She wrote this book, and the array of different covers and editions is impressive. I'm not sure if the differences in covers is instructive to comparing the culture and psychology of each place or not. I lean towards the instructive side, though some differences are just a matter of a particular publishers whim, I do think some of those covers reflect something (especially the Israeli cover, though what it says I can't say).

What does this have to do with the Coalition of the Getting Some?

Well, on the front page of her site she posts a bunch of the emails she has received, and she writes this explanatory text for the inclusion

Dear friends and foes: From time to time, I post your comments without much response from me. It's not my replies that speak volumes; it's the dramatic differences in your views. You're proving that Islam's future is up for debate. Sometimes hilarious debate. My favourite statement from below: "Here you are, a self-proclaimed 'Muslim' turning on your own people! How do you sleep at night? Undoubtedly beside a white woman."

I think that favourite (she's Canadian, I guess you can forgive her for adding an unecessary u to that word) statement sums up much of the perceived problem with many of the angry young Arab and Muslim man on the street.

They are sexually repressed and repressive. They are in the Coalition of the NOT Getting Some, and they are pissed off about it. That bit about her sleeping besides a white woman mixes both anger and envy in such massive doses that it's a masterful bit of comedy (if only the author had intended it as so).

Also this reminds of the bit from the South Park regarding the Family Guy cartoon where Mr. Garrison explains why the Muslim world hates the west so much (in a nutshell, cause they are all hard-up tight asses, who aren't getting any, and won't even pleasure themselves besides, a dangerous combination).

So I'm glad Irshad Manji is in the Coaliton of the Getting Some, it really is the best coalition to be in.

Maybe much of the problems within the Muslim world would be solved if they improved their view towards female sexuality (even the Muslims who are getting some, often aren't getting anywhere as good quality some as they should, given that too many believe vile superstitions and practice hideous procedures on females unlucky enough to be born around sexually insecure males within an insanely repressive culture)

Also, not all Muslims follow these superstitious and horrid practices or hold women in contempt, but I suspect virtually all the Muslim extremists and terrorists do.

For now, and until Muslims themselves do more to change things, those terrorists and extremists are the main face of Muslims throughout the non-Muslim world.

Israel shouldn't be a problem for Islam, the continued adherence to medieval Arab tribal practices and customs that some within the faith want spread along with the faith should be considered the main problem for Islam.

Faith can exist within the framework of a modern culture, even a fairly fundamental and traditional faith like the Later Day Saints or Catholicism thrive within the modern world. Where this breaks down for Islam, is when those religious duties and impositions become cultural demands, even on those who do not share in the faith.

Islam has spread in spite of the fundamentalist in their midst, not because of them. Embracing modernity isn't a rejection of religion.

Also I wonder what sort of punishment the Mad Mullahs in Iran mete out for someone who has a computer containing the free Persian version of her book (also available for free in Urdu and Arabic)?

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