20 July 2006

Birdiest County!

From this PDF of a recent press release

In this year's America's Birdiest City/County Competition, Los Angeles has won the distinction of "America's Birdiest County". For the competition several dozen birders combed L.A. County's varied habitats during the three-day count period (April 28-30) and located 265 bird species. This exceeded runner-up San Diego County's by four.

I can't believe this news hasn't garnered more widespread attention. During the time of year they did the count I'm pretty sure I can hear at least 10-15 different bird calls outside of my window.

My favorite are the birds that have adapted their calls to mimic the whoops and whistles of those annoying multi-tune car alarms.

The local birds aren't nearly as good as the birdie in this rather amazing bit seen and heard here. Thankfully the yearly spring visitors aren't capable of that kind of volume or variety, but every spring I've heard an almost car alarm most mid-spring mornings for the past 15-20 years.

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