21 April 2006

Let He Without Porn on His Hard Drive Cast the First Stone

The details have emerged from the Denise Richards v Charlie Sheen divorce.

The more salacious details regards his computer related activities.

He seems to be equal opportunity regarding his choice in flavors of porn (so long as the subjects appear young).

And he's unabashedly proud of his own manhood.

Somehow Denise Richards' lawyers are trying to spin this into something really awful.

Firstly if the porn he had was really kiddie porn, they would have tried to get real prosecution of this crime since that would bolster her divorce case, secondly, she married Charlie 'effin' Sheen for chrissakes. He's been Sleazy McSleazeball since I was in High School. Back when I went out too often and frequented Malibu adjacent dives, I ran into him from time to time. Every time I saw him in public, it seemed that his 'dates' might have had a meter running on their time together, but there's no way to know that for sure, and this is almost two decades ago anyway. Thirdly, who cares, I don't think the public interest is served in any way, shape, or form by making these kind of proceedings public.

Also there should be some sort of cost to the party that throws out false claims in these cases (which I'm sure does happen, the worst cases being false claims of child abuse).

Maybe things would have worked out better for them if Denise Richards had followed Amy Alkon's advice

As I've written before, to have a happy relationship, it takes three things. First, though, you have to find a good guy, which means you have to make ethics a priority, and wait to get to know him until you see he has them. And you have to have them yourself to really be able to identify them. After you get the good guy, just do these three things:

1. Be sweet to him.
2. Don't gain 300 pounds.
3. Give him blow jobs.

Obviously Denise Richards didn't violate suggestion 2, it remains unknown if she followed suggestions 1 and 3, or the more important suggestion to properly evaluate a potential life partner. (She did know he was Charlie 'effin' Sheen before they got together, afterall, which would suggest she completely ignored the 'making ethics a priority' portion of the advice)

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