22 March 2006

A Simple Explanation

Thoughts on this study (Drudge, naturally) at Volokh and Malkin.

My explanation, conservatives got all the whining out of their system during their terrible twos like you're supposed to, liberals spend the rest of their lives catching up.

(I'm being as fair, scientific, and reasonable as the original study (most likely, free access to the original study isn't available), I of course don't mean it, but if the researchers who did the study mean what they conclude than they are a bunch of idiots with degrees, and approach a degree of idiocy that knows few equals)

[I did a google image search on 'whiny' and the above was my favorite image from the first page of results, I'm not saying he's (and yes, I know who he is) conservative, or liberal, just a whiny baby, and the photo was from this year+ old caption contest]

1 comment:

Pooh said...

He's Swiss, and since they are well known for their cheese...(buh-dump)