02 March 2006

I May Still Vote for Him in 2008

From Redstate.com.

Harry Browne R.I.P.

(I voted for him twice)


Ruth Anne Adams said...

That's an odd twist on Chicago-style voting. Instead of dead guys voting, you're voting for a dead guy.

XWL said...

I would say that a dead Libertarian might govern more effectively than many living Democrats (and even a few Republicans) but that would be very naughty of me.

XWL said...

And another thing, a dead Libertarian would probably govern in a manner nearly identical to how a living Libertarian would govern (just to make sure I offend everyone)

bill said...

I'll vote for a dead guy; can't be worse than not voting because I wish all the candidates were dead. A politician wants my vote, just promise not to create anymore laws.

...and Fair Tax uber alles.

Helen said...

Hi xwl,

I voted for him too. I loved what Mr. Browne said about about legalizing drugs when he was running for President. Someone said, "if you legalize drugs, we'll have nothing but open-air markets with people buying drugs on the streets" to which Mr. Browne replied, "No, that's what we have now." He was an interesting man.