But to make it even funnier,
Say it out loud (or at least think it very loudly inside your head) in the voice used by John Cleese as one of the taunting frenchmen in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (and be sure to really, really, really extend the first syllable of 'urinate' and add an 'h' sound to the beginning of that word)

(are you now LOL, or ROFL, even?)
UPDATE: I should have read the comments to that post before making my own, Bruce on the third comment in that thread adds the dialogue that I'm hoping you'll remember (though he doesn't go so far as to suggest the vocalization, so rather than stealing his idea, I'll just say that great minds think alike, and I'll copy and paste that comment below, makes it easier to get the right voice anyway)
Bruce:Arthur: (taken a bit off balance) Well... ah, um... Can we come up and have a look?
Soldier: Of course not! You are English types.
Arthur: Well, what are you then?
Soldier: (Indignant) Ah'm French! Why do you think I have this out-rrrageous accent, you silly king?!
Galahad: What are you doing in *England*?
Soldier: Mind your own business!
Galahad: What a strange person.
Arthur: (getting mad) Now look here, my good ma--
Soldier: Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper! Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Galahad: Is there someone else up there we can talk to?
Soldier: No!! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!3.24.2006 5:06pm
2nd Update in very short succession:
OK now hopefully, I've covered myself for any future plagarism charges should I get a real job at a real journalistic institution in the future.
I hear WaPo has an opening for a conservative/libertarian blogger, I'm no wunderkind, but I'd still kick ass, CALL ME!
(Plus I have no real published record at all, I'm a clean slate, hard to beat that)
(Regardless of his politics one thing rings clear if you visit his website, Ben Domenech really loves Ben Domenech with an almost obscene passion, me I'm slightly more humble, and therefore less likely to be tripped up by a scandal stemming from hubris, and that photo, whooboy, in profile, with a serious look and in black and white, clearly he doesn't hang around with 'normal' folks too often cause they would have busted his balls big time over that)

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