Are you beginning your countdown to August 18th yet?
I know I am, it's less than 5 months away now, a scant 21 weeks.
What's so significant about August 18th?
That's right, the greatest film ever to be made (now and forever bow before the enormity and greatness that is this film) will finally be released for viewing by the general public.
How can I know that it's the greatest film of all time?
Did I stutter?
It's called MuthaFu#@in' Snakes on a Plane!! and stars Samuel (BadASSSS Mutha Fu#@a) Leroy Jackson, of course it's going to be amazing.
I'm not the only one ready for this, Steve at this here blog seems pretty excited also (plus he links to actual information about the film, more than I'm willing to give you, OK, I'll give you something, this film already has a Wiki entry, how cool is that? also the official site linked above doesn't have much but did link to this site as its blog of the week, can you say viral marketing children? I thought you could).
I'm so with you here.
I'm kind of excited about this flick.
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