You must be really stupid to think it would be a good idea to race said Ferrari on PCH early in the AM while inebriated.
After surviving the inevitable spectacular crash without major injuries best to shift blame. Why not say 'Dietrich' did it.
Video here (slow possibly, Drudge linked so the usual problems) and story here (UPDATE: linked to Drudge twice by accident, link fixed, and Drudged switched to the wire version).
The video says it all. The safety of modern vehicles is astounding, but driving over 100 mph on bumpy roads will lead to predictable problems (like launching into the air and striking power poles at 5-10 feet off the ground).
And is it just me or does the LATimes version suck just about all the life out of this story?
UPDATE: They changed to a more lively story for print, and the original web version has been replaced (down the Memory Hole, as usual, I really wish papers would keep the old versions up, and use them to point to the new versions when they substantially change a story at a link, the web is both ephemeral and permanent (a paradox, but a reconcilable one) so they should honor that by keeping all versions available).
Yeah, when I heard the story my first thought was, "Wow, Ferrari is the new Volvo!"
LOL, 'Pick.
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